An doubly linked tree approach for webservice based e-learning

Rajalakshmi Selvaraj, Venu Madhav Kuthadi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Now-a-days, E-learning has become an important trend for education based on distance learning. The institutions of higher education have raised their interest in the educational services which is based on the internet and that is defined as E-learning. Virtual classroom is an e-learning system which is an open classroom for the distance learning people. It integrates with the WS (Web Service) technology to give the benefits of incorporate interfaces in the education environment. The main problem which is raised in the e-learning system that too classroom based is Scalability and the Extensibility. Also the e-learning mechanism initially begins with extracting and reviewing of web information from web logs. An efficient assessment of scalability and the extensibility will give a positive result for improving the systems of distance learning in future. E-learning is an effort which helps to …
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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