An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Healthcare Services: Lesson Learnt from BLESS U Joint Project

Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan, Yim Fun Hu, Jiachen Hou, Tshiamo Sigwele

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Internet of Things (IoT) has been a promising technology to automate the tasks or services that involves human works in many areas of life. One of services that is crucial to enhance a quality of life is healthcare services. The gap of healthcare services in many countries over the world has been a challenging issue. University of Lampung, Indonesia and University of Bradford, United Kingdom (UK) have an on-going joint project funded through Newton Fund Institutional Links Scheme addressing the use of IoT and wide area communication infrastructure to automate the healthcare services in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, so do the project is called as BLESS U standing for Bandar Lampung Enhanced Smart-health Services with Smart Ubiquity. The ultimate goal of the project is to lessen the gap of healthcare services between urban and rural or very extreme rural area in both Bandar Lampung of Indonesia and Yorkshire region of UK. To achieve this challenging goal, the project has some sub-projects which are part of the BLESS U project. This paper presents an overview of those some on-going works related to the BLESS U project. The paper starts with the concept of BLESS U system at the top level to realize the goal of the project. Some on-going works have been focused to build the hardware component using sensor and communication technologies supporting the healthcare related issues, to build a smart clinic based on IoT, and to build semantic smart service gateway. Overall, the paper identify the stages to achieve the goal of BLESS U project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventSeminar Nasional Energi dan Industri Manufaktur
- University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Duration: Nov 7 2017Nov 8 2017


ConferenceSeminar Nasional Energi dan Industri Manufaktur
Abbreviated titleSIGER 2017
CityBandar Lampung
Internet address


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