Potential reduction in CO2 emission and saving in electricity by ground source heat pump system for space heating applications - A study on northern part of India

T. Sivasakthivel, K. Murugesan, P.K. Sahoo

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Ground source heat pump technology (GSHP) is an alternative solution for conventional heating and cooling systems. Due to its wide range of applications, the installed capacity of GSHP worldwide is increasing year by year. The installed GSHP systems are mainly concentrated in Western and European countries. The aim of the present study is to calculate the annual saving in electricity and CO2 by using GSHP during winter season in the northern region of India. This analysis is done by considering ten states under two different categories, first category of states with severe cold conditions and the second category of states with moderate cold conditions. Electricity and CO2 savings are calculated by comparing the conventional electric heating system with GSHP system under different COP conditions. The electricity used for space heating is calculated on the basis of population. Minimum electricity requirement for space heating in a year is around 1416.9 GW and CO2 emission for the production of this electricity is 1.078 million tons. The present study indicates that for the same heating load, the use of GSHP results in electricity saving to a minimum level of 708 GW and saving in CO2 emission is 0.539 million tons. Our analysis shows that an increase in COP of GSHP from 2 to 3 will reduce electricity consumption and CO2 production by about 25%. It is found that if GSHP is powered by renewable energy source, then the overall CO2 emission for the above heating load is only 0.049 million tons, which is 22 times less than the electric heating system powered by thermal power plants. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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