Selection and dimensioning model of the anaerobic digester for the sewage sludge digestion to energy

A. N. Matheri, Freeman Ntuli, Mohamed Belaid, T. Seodigeng, J. C. Ngila, Charles Mbohwa

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


In this study, we investigated the design model selection and dimensioning of anaerobic digester for the digestion of sewage sludge from the wastewater treatment plant. The sludge quantification and characterization exercise was undertaken at the point of generation, so as to ascertain the sludge composition. Via the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique of multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) on decision matrix approach (DMA) or weighted sum method (WSM) as a decision support tool base on cost, scalability, temperature regulation, ease of construction, operation and maintenance. The most preferred model option for bioenergy design technology was selected from a list of potential alternatives available in the market. Continuous stirred tank reactor (digester) CSTR scored the highest with 79% and was selected for the design in sludge to biogas production. The geometry of the biodigester parameters was comparable with the anaerobic digestion (AD) process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences
Subtitle of host publicationSpecial Issue for the International Association of Engineers Conferences 2016
ISBN (Electronic)978-981-3230-77-4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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