Study of corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in evian derived solution from electrochemical techniques

Mjwana Phumlani, Obadele Babatunde, Refait Philippe, Olubambi Peter

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Marine structures and buried pipelines are constantly exposed to extreme conditions with elements such as temperature variation, soil ion content and dissolved metals posing a continuous threat on the integrity and lifespan of the structures. Quantification of these elements has been limited to studying only a few of the parameters, with the resulting corrosion behaviour not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in Evian derived solution using the anodic component attained from modelled polarisation curves. The behaviour of the metal/electrolyte interface was studied using a combination of voltammetry and X-ray diffraction analysis of the mineral layer. The expression for the anodic and cathodic component of the current as a function of potential was attained from log|j| vs. potential plots. Mathematical modelling of the experimental polarisation curves was done using OriginPro Data Analysis & Graphing Software. Voltammetry around open circuit potential (VAOCP) showed the necessity for corrosion protection as the adopted electrochemical system resulted in a progressively corrosive environment. Kinetics and mechanism of the anodic and cathodic process indicated corrosion processes similar to aerated soil conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationKey Engineering Materials
PublisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9783035714807
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameKey Engineering Materials
Volume821 KEM


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