Sustainability context analysis of municipal solid waste management in Harare, Zimbabwe

Trust Nhubu, Edison Muzenda, Charles Mbohwa, Emmanuel Emem Obong Agbenyeku

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Harare is experiencing enormous solid waste management challenges manifesting themselves in the form of both groundwater and surface water pollution leading to outbreak of water born diseases. The solid waste management infrastrucre in Harare was designed to cater for almost a third of the population it is currently serving. Heaps of illegally dumped solid waste has become daily eyesore. Numerous waste management studies
carried in Harare highlighted the nature of the challenges being faced and recommended the need to have a waste management paradigm shift in the City. This study argues for the need to undertake simulation and laboratory based studies to develop and design waste management options for Combined Heat and Power Generation for the
City. This paper argues that Harare could possibly use the energy generated from its waste on its water and wastewater treatment and other potential uses. Options for decentralized waste management systems unlike the
current centralized system must also be incorporated in the simulation models and laboratory scale experiments where, waste sorting and separation might occur at source or a certain waste management boundary where, only
that which is not fit for reuse and recycle will be transported to landfills.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event2nd International Engineering Conference 2017 - Minna, Nigeria
Duration: Oct 17 2017Oct 19 2017


Conference2nd International Engineering Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleIEC 2017


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