The Exponentiated Half Logistic-Generalized G Power Series Class of Distributions: Properties and Applications

Chipo Mufudza, Simbarashe Chamunorwa, Fastel Chipepa, Broderick Oluyede, Boikanyo Makubate

Research output: Book/ReportBook


A new generalized class of distributions called the Exponentiated Half Logistic-Generalized G Power Series (EHL-GGPS) distribution is proposed. We present some special cases in the proposed distribution. Several mathematical properties of the EHL-GGPS distribution were also derived including order statistics, moments and maximum likelihood estimates.
A simulation study for selected parameter values is presented to examine the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimates. Finally, some real data applications of the EHL-GGPS distribution are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed class of distributions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherJournal of Probability and Statistical Science
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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